Gases play an important role in the oil refining process, in all three stages of : separation, conversion and treating. High-quality gases improve the refining process, and ensure the safety of the end products. GIGC is a bulk producer of industrial liquid nitrogen, which is delivered to several oil and gas refineries, used for pipelines, purging, pigging, and tank blanketing.
Nitrogen is GIGC leading product for the oil & gas sector; it is widely used in refineries due to its inerting properties. In refineries, N2 is used for blanketing of tanks, preventing the release of hydrocarbon emission and for preventing the ingress of oxygen into vacuum units. N2 is also used to calm chemical reactions and safely shutdown, or start-up the various units that constitute the refinery.
Environmental regulations have helped GIGC supply increasing amount of hydrogen to refineries. H2 is mainly used to achieve lower sulphur content in hydrocrackers and hydro-treaters. To further improve on sulphur recovery efficiency, oxygen is injected in a Claus type sulphur unit, thus providing a capacity advantage as well as combustion efficiency at the furnace. In addition to sulphur recovery recovery applications, O2 is widely used for breaking of heavy hydrocarbons during the catalytic cracking process.
Oil service companies also rely on GIGC to supply nitrogen manly used for oil well pressurization and purging applications.
Pure Gases (Liquid & Compressed)
Cryogenic Products | Purity |
Acetylene | 98.5% |
Argon | 99.999% |
Carbon Dioxide | 99.9% |
Hydrogen | 99.999% |
Nitrous | 99.999% |
Nitrous Oxide | 95% |
Oxygen | 99.5% |
Pure Gases Mixture |
Argon/Carbon dioxide Mixture |
Argon/Helium Mixture |
Argon/Hydrogen Mixture |
• Coil tubing
• Enhanced Oil recovery (EOR)
• Oil well stimulation
• Purging and Blanketing
• Explosimetry
• Leak testing
• Analytical Applications
Supply Options
GIGCCL proposes over the fence arrangements for refineries and petrochemical complexes to supply gases such as Oxygen and Nitrogen. Air Separation Units are installed and operated with distribution network of gases supplies. Similarly requirements are catered by employing tube trailers, cylinder racks and high-pressure cylinders. Spot requirements for bulk products during turn around and peak shaving is fulfilled using ISO tanks and road tankers.